The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki


"あ、やっぱり転校生ちゃんだったんだね~! 俺を手紙で呼び出したでしょ? たぶん転校生ちゃんじゃないかな~って思ったんだ! それで、俺に何の用かな?

Oh, so it really was you, transfer student-chan~! You called me out here with a letter, right? I thought it was probably you~! So, what did you want?"

Choice 1 練習のお誘い
It was an invitation to practice
Possibility 1 Character response: ""
Result: Red fragments
Possibility 2 Character response: "あれっ、わざわざ呼び出されたから転校生ちゃんが愛の告白でもしてくれると思ったのに。 違ったみたい。ちょっと残念だね~? いいよ、今回は練習で。次は、デートのお誘いなら嬉しいな♪

Oh, since you went out of your way to call me here I thought you'd at least confess your love. I guess I was wrong. It's a bit disappointing~? Fine, we'll practice this time. Next time, I'd be happy with an invitation to a date ♪"

Result: Luck down
Choice 2 呼び出し?
I called you here?
Possibility 1 Character response: ""
Result: Blue fragments
Possibility 2 Character response: ""
Result: Luck down


"はぁ……。男ばっかりで、むさ苦しいったらないよね~? ……おや、転校生ちゃん! いいところに来たね♪ 男ばかりで飽き飽きしてたところだからさ~?

Sigh...... With only men around, it's so filthy all the time, isn't it~? ...... Oh, transfer student-chan! You came at a good time ♪ I was just getting sick of having only men around~"

Choice 1 練習中ですか?
Are you in the middle of practice?
Possibility 1 Character response: "あぁ、俺が自分から練習してる姿なんて珍しい? ほんとはさ~、俺は練習なんてしなくても十分うまくやれるんだけどね~? 朔間さんがうるさいから、たまにはね! 俺って優しいところもあるでしょ♪

Yeah, isn't it rare for me to be practicing of my own will? The truth is, even if I don't practice, I'm plenty good enough~ Sakuma-san is annoying about it, so I do it once in a while! I can be nice sometimes ♪"

Result: Yellow fragments
Possibility 2 Character response: ""
Result: Luck down
Choice 2 嬉しそうですね
You look happy.
Possibility 1 Character response: ""
Result: Yellow fragments
Possibility 2 Character response: ""
Result: Luck down


"やぁ、転校生ちゃん♪ 今日もプロヂュース中? あんまりずっと頑張ってても、疲れちゃうよ? 俺と一緒に気分転換をしに、ちょっと抜け出しちゃおうよ♪

Hey, transfer student-chan ♪ Are you in the middle of producing today, too? If you keep working so hard all the time, you'll get tired? How about you sneak out with me for a bit of a break ♪"

Choice 1 練習を続けたい
I want to keep practicing
Possibility 1 Character response: "おっと、軽やかにスルーだね? 練習にも誘ってくれないの? なんだ~、練習なら転校生ちゃんから誘ってくれるかと思ったんだけどね。 んん、俺から言うべきだったかな?

Woah, just lightly brushing me off, huh? You're not even going to invite me to practice? Come on~ I thought you'd at least invite me to practice. Hmm, maybe I should have said it?"

Result: Red fragments
Possibility 2 Character response: ""
Choice 2 気分転換の行き先は?
Where are we going?
Possibility 1 Character response: ""
Result: Blue fragments
Possibility 2 Character response: ""