The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki

Normal Event mini 1/3[]

Knights Lesson Ritsu Sakuma Normal Event 1
"ん。うるさいなぁ…… 気持ちよく寝てんのに、騒いでんのはあんたたち? ふぁあ、ふ……安眠妨害はやめてよね。俺のささやかな楽しみだっていうのに……♪

Nn. So loud... I was sleeping so nicely, are you the ones who were making so much noise? Fuahh, yawn... Stop disturbing my sleep, okay? It's my meager pleasure...♪"

Choice 1 起こす
Wake him up
Possibility 1 Character response: "あ~……やめて、起こさないでって言ってんでしょ。 練習するにしても、俺がいるところを避けたらいいんだからさぁ? 諦めて俺の安眠を妨げないでよねぇ……♪

Ah~... Stop it, I said not to wake me up, didn't I? Even if you're practicing, you can just avoid the area where I am, right? Just give up and don't disturb my quiet sleep, okay... ♪"

Result: Red Fragments
Possibility 2 Character response: ""
Result: Luck Down
Choice 2 起こさない
Let him sleep
Possibility 1 Character response: "そうそう、そのままで。俺のことは放っておいてよ。俺は寝てるほうが仲びる子なんだから…… ♪ ふぁあ、ふ ♪ んじゃあね、もう一度おやすみ~……"
Result: Blue Fragments
Possibility 2 Character response: "


Result: Luck Down

Normal Event mini 2/3[]

Knights Lesson Ritsu Sakuma Normal Event 2
"あ~……。どこも人がいっぱいでうるさいなぁ? 気を使ってほしいねぇ…… あ、転校生。あんたは、いい寝床知らない……?

Ah~... There are people everyone, it's so loud, huh? I wish they'd be more considerate... Oh, transfer student. Do you know any good places to sleep...?"

Choice 1 帰宅をすすめる
You should go home.
Possibility 1 Character response: "家に帰って寝ろっていうの……? んん。帰るのもめんどい、探しまわるのも嫌になってきたなぁ? もういいや。この辺で寝ちゃおう……"
Result: Fever Up
Possibility 2 Character response: ""
Result: Luck Down
Choice 2 静かな場所を教える
Tell him a quiet place
Possibility 1 Character response: "教室……? ……まぁ、バタバタうるさいここよりはマシかなぁ? 机の上で寝れば、踏まれる心配もないし…… うん。悪くない考えかも……♪

A classroom...? ... Well, I guess it's better than this noisy place? And if I sleep on top of a desk, I won't have to worry about getting stepped on... Yeah. That might not be a bad idea...♪"

Result: Yellow Fragments
Possibility 2 Character response: ""
Result: Luck Down

Normal Event mini 3/3[]

Knights Lesson Ritsu Sakuma Normal Event 3
"んん、うるさいんだけど…… 何度も言うけどね~、俺の眠りを妨げないでよ。 さっき聞こえた歌はあんたの? それとも、違うやつ……?

Nn, so loud... I'll say it as much as I need to, don't disturb my sleep. Was the voice I heard singing earlier yours? Or someone else's...?"

Choice 1 自分が歌っていた
I was singing.
Possibility 1 Character response: "あんたが……? へぇ、男みたいな声が聞こえた気がしたんだけどねぇ? まぁ、どうでもいいことだけど。安眠妨害だからもっと静かにしてほしいなぁ……

You...? Huh, I thought I heard a guy's voice, though? Well, it doesn't really matter. It disturbs my sleep, so I really wish you'd be more quiet..."

Result: Red Fragments
Possibility 2 Character response: ""
Choice 2 練習中のメンバーが歌っていた
One of the practice members was singing.
Possibility 1 Character response: "下手じゃないんだけどねぇ、元気すぎてうるさい。プロデューサーなんだから、もっといい曲を指定してあげたら……? この『ぐっすり眠れるCD』をあげるからさぁ。これに合わせて歌ってくれるといいと思うんだけど……♪"
Result: Small Blue Jewel
Possibility 2 Character response: ""