The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
Rei Sakuma intimate event light music club room 2

I didn't get much sleep today thanks to Puppy being so loud..."

Location: Light music club room
Area Touched Response Result
Chest ふふっ、そこはくすぐったいのう……♪

Fufu. That spot tickles... ♪

Head 軽く頭痛がするのう、嬢ちゃんは薬とか持っておらんかのう。

I've got quite the headache. You wouldn't happen to have anything for it, would you?

Arms 脈拍は普通じゃぞ? 寝起きはちょっと低いが、生まれつきじゃな。

My pulse is normal. It may be a bit low what with my sleeping, but I assure you I'm one of the living.

Best Choice: Chest
Rei Sakuma intimate event light music club room
"棺桶で寝るのも、なかなかよいぞ♪ どんな居心地か気になるかの?

Sleeping in the coffin isn't all too bad, you know? ♪ Are you interested in knowing how pleasant it is?"

Location: Light music club room
Area Touched Response Result
Head 一度寝てみれば、その良さがわかるぞい♪ 今から試してみるか?

If you sleep in it once, you'll understand how pleasant it is ♪ Do you want to try it out now?

Chest 我輩の棺桶は特注品じゃから、広くて快適じゃぞ ♪ Good
Arms OK
Best Choice: Head
Rei Sakuma Intimate Dance Room

It's nice to perform every once in a while. The suffocating enthusiasm and cheer can be comfortable at times..."

Location: Dance Room
Area Touched Response Result
Head そんなに我輩のことが気になるのか? 照れるのう……♪

Are you interested in me to such an extent? It makes me feel embarrassed... ♪

Chest これこれ、そう引っ張っては服が伸びてしまうぞ? OK
Arms 運動した後だからのう、まだ肌が湿っぽいようじゃ Good
Best Choice: Head